Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


We had a lovely train ride, a very welcome cup of coffee and then we joined the queue to see 'The Man'. We were treated to sherry and a mince pie while we waited. E was very excited and jigged all the way. We sang carols to pass the time - including 'Hark the Herald Angel Sing PERCY to the newborn King' - E's version (he's 2 and a half).

Father Christmas was great - E was speechless but A (18 months) cried the moment she saw him - until he gave her a present.

Then we went for lunch at a local pub - good food and it was lovely to be somewhere warm again.

The day wasn't over after lunch - then we went back to D and J's (aka Grandad and Granny's) where we had tree presents [presents from the tree, opened during the party not on Christmas Day - great tradition] followed by tea.

I love E's hat and he's wearing his smart winter coat (bought during our summer holiday in France).

Finally you have to see the full outfit that A wore, what a fashion setter - cool dude or what?

It was lovely to be a part of a super day. A but especially E have spent enough time with me this year to be relaxed and share their joy - it's great to be part of their family.

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