2008, such a special year, the first full year with Alice.
2008 has been a life-changing year, a year of many firsts with Alice. We had our first holidays together - I took her to Jersey (a very special place to my family). Alice got her first British passport and we went to France. We started new activities together, we established many of our family’s routines. I relaxed into parenthood, enjoyed it more and learnt more about how to relish every moment. I was amazed by Alice – how she copes with change, the rate at which she grows, the way she embraces life and is always ready to enjoy its next challenge. We said very sad goodbyes to Daisy and have just welcomed Pudding whilst continuing to get pleasure from Boo and Fuss being with us! At the beginning of 2008 Alice hadn’t even taken her first independent steps, now she’s running and jumping! Her speech and understanding has exploded this year, from a few single words to phrases showing insight.
Home has changed too in 2008. We had the kitchen shuffled – it was major upheaval at the time but has made a great difference to daily life. The playroom was redecorated and the original curtains were finally replaced. The playroom and study also had new carpets. So the ‘daily living’ end of the house is quite different now to how it was at the beginning of the year. Outside the paving around the kitchen has been extended to create more space for playing and entertaining.
Tonight I explained to Alice that it was the last evening of the year and why I would always remember 2008 as such a special year, that she was so good, brought such happiness and so wonderful (I don’t tell her that very often as I don’t think it would be healthy!)
2009 could be another hugely significant year for us. We start with a new puppy. Next week Alice starts going to Nursery for a full day once a week, in September she’ll probably start at a new school, a school where she maybe for up to the next 16 years of her life. One of the first events of 2009 will be my second appearance in front of an Adoption Panel (the UK’s final stage of approval to adopt). Possibly the biggest change for our family in 2009 could be Little Sis – 2009 could be the year that she is conceived, born or even matched with our family (the final option is a long shot!) (I’m still troubled by even thinking of projected timescales and associated events after getting expectations so wrong and becoming so stressed with Alice’s adoption.)
I am extremely grateful for 2008, whatever happens I hope that 2009 will be like 2008.
Happy New Year!