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Saturday, December 02, 2006


I've been making Christmas cards, my back's beginning to ache so I've called it a day.

I've been itchy today, my excema's flared up - but I've worked out why - I've been wearing a top that I haven't worn since last winter, when it would have been washed with fabric conditioner. I guess I'm going to have to be very careful for a good deal longer than originally anticipated. I'm still very spotty on my torso. The rest of my body is covered in livid red scars - I asked the doctor about them last week and she confirmed what I had suspected - I'm stuck with the scars but they may begin to fade eventually, ugh.

News of British referrals has been coming through today, quite a few this time, excellent news! One family even ended up with a 'Bao' (treasure)!

Still itchy so I'm off for a seaweed bath, still haven't found a peg! Night, night. x

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