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Friday, December 22, 2006


I have a God-send called 'T' - she's wonderful, she cleans, house sits and manages my home. Life wouldn't be the same without her - she can find things that I've already looked for and failed to find, she feeds the dogs if I'm out late, she house sits when I'm away and does just about anything I need her to! She sometimes even manages to get away with nagging me!!

I've been really busy the last few days (hence few posts - I will update when there's more time). I came home this evening, C's coming for supper, still need to make more pies (mince or apple), etc, etc, etc and I haven't even started to wrap presents yet. I went into the drawing room to turn on the tree's lights and lay the fire (on top of Wednesday's ash as there's no time to clear it) and this is what I found.

The room and grate are immaculate! And hanging on the left of the fireplace is the red stocking that I couldn't find anywhere! I love T.

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