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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Steve, the foreman, turned up this morning (as expected) with door and gate catalogues. 2 decisions were needed - chooose external doors and a gate.

Three doors are needed on the 'yard' side of the house - dog room, yard door and front door. I don't like the existing doors - they have diagonal slats and are very dark (too dark against the new windows). But when trying to choose a new style (so that all 3 doors match) it's really tricky.

After lots of internet surfing I've chosen a 'cottage' style door - similar to the picture. The dog room door won't have a window in the centre.

Simple? Should be, but it wasn't - trying to match 3 doors, all with different entrances, into different types of room and different purposes - tricky!

As for the side gate - it's going between the back and the side garden, it's replacing a hard wood, tall, single gate that's rotted off its hinges. I wanted a simple (plain) wrought iron gate - no rotting and unable to be blown in the wind. I didn't like the examples in the gate brochure (and Steve agreed with me - i.e. I'm not being too fussy!) More internet surfing - I've discovered that the brochure was a good representation of what's on the market. I'm not happy with the choice so I haven't chosen one.

Meanwhile the builders also want a decision about the wood burner - I'm researched out, that decision will have to wait for another day!

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