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Saturday, February 17, 2007


. . . is away at the moment - officially on work, but unofficially some are wondering if she's in China adopting her second child. I believed her explanation and the second scenario never crossed my mind - until someone on my DTC group began speculating!

Lots of my IA friends are suffering withdrawal symptoms - particularly those of us in the UK who have no other rumour reporter. At this point I hold my hand up and join the crowd - I'm with all of those suffering in RQ's absence - here's hoping she is in China, otherwise this will happen again in a while (maybe 'shock, horror' during a referral period!)

There is a rumour of referrals getting as far as the 30th October - that would mean I was definitely next. Moderators on RQ are saying this has been reported but the source isn't one of the most reliable ones - that's why I need the RQ back, her opinion is reliable and measurable.

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