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Saturday, June 16, 2007


While I'm in China I want to post to this blog. My friend C will also have publishing rights.

Are there any blogging friends out there who could help out? Anyone fancy editing posts - to make the layout better? Anyone fancy being the moderator - moderating comments? Preferably someone who knows blogger or who is a quick learner!

Any volunteers either email me or leave a comment that won't be published.



J said...

As someone who received nasty comments whilst (like my Queen's English), I can volunteer to watch for nasties. don't know me from Adam.

(Except you know what most of my family looks like!)

Steve & Suzanne said...

Just found your fabulous blog - we came back from Kunming in February with our little girl, so we are looking forward to following your journey. She just turned one and is doing very well. Good luck!
-Suzanne and Steve in Florida, USA

Shawnstribe said...

Dear Kate,
i would offer...but ask Juls..I am rubbish at the computers, i always need to ask her about what i'm doing!!!
Even when i was in Taiwan i had to cry for help.
I love the colours for your room, beautiful.
Thank you for all your comments, they are great