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Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I've ordered the curtains - pink and yellow patchwork. The decorator starts tomorrow, not sure yet if the walls will be pink or yellow, luckily he's got the outside of the house and the hall to paint too!!


walternatives said...

I had to delurk and comment on these curtains, as I had the idea to try my hand at sewing some patchwork curtains, too. I just bought several old shirts (all different plaids) in earth tones at the thrift store. Nice to see the idea "in real life" and not just in my head. These are adorable - thanks for posting the photo.

Rosie said...

I've just painted Marissas room a lemon yellow.I was going to do pink but then realised it might be too pink.Instead I'm getting pink carpet and pink bits to eldest son said "don't get pink"..he hates pink.I said its not in your bedroom!!