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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Mine, not hers.

Bedtime last night. I lay in bed reading Harry Potter 6 (never got beyond the 3rd chapter when it was published). Suddenly I realised that THERE WAS A BABY IN THE ROOM NEXT DOOR!! Overwhelming, incredible, fantastic.

Wow, it surprises me now and again.

My feelings are changing too, the love is deepening and strengthening. Several people have asked me if I remember life before July, before Alice. I can remember wondering how life would be with Whatshername and wondering if there would be parts of my life that I would miss. I remember the before feeling, I remember the lifestyle. I don't miss a single jot. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I feel immensely privileged to be given the opportunity to be her Mum.

I can't believe I've only known her for 24 days. She continues to be incredible, so loving, smiley, laid-back and yet brave.

1 comment:

Global Girl said...

You two are so lucky to have each other! I cannot wait for the day when I have that feeling!