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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Five things I was doing ten years ago:
  1. Job hunting - I'd just qualified as a teacher.
  2. Supply teaching (see above).
  3. Dating 'Mr Wrong' - funnily enough I saw him again just before leaving for China, only confirmed how Wrong he was!!
  4. Looking for 'Mr Right' (Still doing that one!)
  5. House training Jolly
Five of my favourite snacks (good reasons why I'm the shape I am!)
  1. Chocolate
  2. Cheese
  3. Yoghurt
  4. Crisps
  5. Nuts

Five things I like to do
  1. Make Alice smile, or even better laugh!
  2. Spend time with friends
  3. Blog
  4. Take photos
  5. Aqua aerobics

Five songs I know the lyrics to:
  1. The Wheels on the Bus (as proved recently on national radio, thanks Jane!)
  2. Hey that's my Ruler! (school song)
  3. Any song from 'Les Miserables'
  4. Most Abba songs
  5. Lots of others that although I know the words to I don't know the titles!!

Five things I will never wear again
  1. Leg warmers
  2. A Bikini
  3. High heels
  4. Half my wardrobe
  5. My school cloak

Five things I would do with a million dollars
  1. Find a way to adopt from China again (and maybe again)
  2. Give up work
  3. Buy a house for someone
  4. Invest in a business
  5. Find a way to support abandoned children in China

Five bad habits
  1. Snacking (see above)
  2. Worrying
  3. Putting things off
  4. Not opening my post
  5. Forgetfulness

I tag Meizhi's Mom, Mortimer's Mom, Ellen and Shawn.

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