Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I can't believe we've been home for 2 weeks.

Alice continues to smile and
thrive. Today we went to a baby music group, she enjoyed it and got more vocal as it went along. I went with friends who are colleagues, B and baby C, D and crawling A. Afterwards D, A, Alice and I went shopping - I needed to exchange a gift for a larger size for Alice and she still needed toys.

The dungarees exchange went without a hitch. I managed to buy some warmer clothes for Alice - and they're NOT pink. I have nothing against pink, but wanted some red and blue for her wardrobe, this time I managed blue, not much red around. I also bought some more toys, so she now has a mobile for the changing table (my attempt to stop her twisting!), a ball that rolls around and a button pressing 4 in a row Jack-in-the-box type toy, enough, for now!!


RamblingMother said...

Loving the faces she makes. Beverly

Janet said...

Those faces are just so funny :-) Although Alice isn't going to thank you when she's older and realises the whole world has seen her pulling them lol


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Shae-Lee does the same thng twists her legs back and forth when I change her, its like trying to dress and change a 3 ring circus...LOL. I Love those pictures of her...she is too adorable!!!


Roy and Lori said...

She is so adorable!