They're doing fine. They might find it harder in the weeks to come, as Alice is now on the move it is harder to keep out of her way. The little ones, 3 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, are great family dogs. Daisy, my Labrador, was 13 in March, she's become elderly in the last year, she's quite stiff and most of the time she chooses to keep out of the way.
Jolly(black one in bottom photo), tricolour, just 10, keeps behind or on top of the furniture, she's fine but looks as if she doesn't understand life! She's my little creature of habit, who will quickly let me know if any dog is in the wrong place. She loathes balloons, especially the burners of hot-air balloons. A very faithful dog.
Boozie (slightly cross eyed, brown one in bottom photo), blenheim, nearly 5, walking stomach on legs, always looking for food. She's the 'woofy' dog - especially AFTER visitors enter the house. Quick to check on Alice when Boo's let in from the garden or out of the dog room, puts herself between visitors and Alice, likes to be close to the highchair at mealtimes, in case of scraps!
Fusspot (top photo), tricolour, nearly 18 months, very aptly named. I've never had a dog like her, demanding but so affectionate, not bothered by food but always on the look out for a cuddle. Very tolerant of Alice, beginning to play games with her.
Whenever I leave the 'living' end of the house (study, kitchen, dog room, play room) to go to the bathroom or upstairs, when I return usually all 3 little ones and often Daisy too (no photo as yet, as she's more tricky to photograph well), will be waiting for me at the gate and stand up, ready to greet me/us, as we come through the gate. As we get close to the gate, Alice jigs with excitement and then will peer round me to look for the girls! Alice was terrified when she first saw the dogs but quickly learnt to love them, it took less than 5 minutes from shaking in terror to leaning out to touch them. She treats them like soft toys, likes to pat them and is fascinated by the single dog bone in the playroom.
[To save comments - they aren't left alone together, the dogs have somewhere to get away etc]
Oh Kate, your baby dogs are beautiful! I've been trying to convince my dh to buy me a KCCS!!!! By the way, I love seeing your pics of Alice! BEAUTIFUL!
Glad to meet your other babies :-) They look lovely :-)
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