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Thursday, October 04, 2007


These photos were taken seconds apart, with the camera on the same setting, so:
1. Why are they different?
2. How can I adjust the settings so that the colours always come out like the second photo?



RamblingMother said...

well the first one has light behind her. maybe the flash went off for the first one that adjusted itself for the second shot where the light is in front of her.


Johnny said...

I think the first one (bright) is without flash and the second one is with flash.

50% of being right!

Janet said...

Hi Kate,
Mr Messy (big photography geek!) says your position was slightly different so that in one photo the camera used the available light from the window. But in the other photo it didn't see the window light as much and fired the flash. You could try setting your camera to always use the flash?
Good luck

Dave & Kris said...

Hi Kate,

I'm with Janet and Mr Messy- in the first photo, your camera recognized all of the light behind alice, resulting in her face being under-exposed (strong backlighting will do that). In the second, it looks like the camera metered her face and the room, and decided to use its flash.

Two rules of thumb- shoot with the strong light behind you; and/or fill the frame with Alice (and let the camera work its magic).