My baby teased me and kissed thin air! She knows how to kiss. I've been kissing her, multiple times each day, since July 1st, she's never returned the emotion. But tonight Alice made the kissy sound, her lips sort of puckered, Mummy held her tight, rocked her and cried!
Attachment continues - she now whinges when I walk away from her, especially when we're out and about, she continues to whinge as I return until we're within touching distance. That whinge is a sweet sound at the moment - a sign that my baby recognises I'm important to her and wants to be with me. She's also making it clear that she doesn't want to talk to people she doesn't recognise, even when they're friendly. Only a few weeks ago she would go to most people (if Mummy would let them, or wasn't quick enough to stop them!) without complaining - not any more!
Day by day the love deepens and grows, even when I feel overwhelmed with love for her. It's an incredible feeling and worth every second of the wait.
It's an emotional week anyway this week - with both our birthdays, the anniversary of Mum's death and the memories of last year and thoughts of events at home and somewhere in Yunnan as my baby was being born.
~*~ Happy Birthday ~*~
Hope you and kissy Alice have a great day.
Lots of love
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday and im thrilled the bonding is going so well
Kate, that is so great! We so appreciate your sharing these wonderful moments with us...it makes us look forward to bringing our own special girl home.
Happy returns, and keep the party going!!
Kristen and Dave
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