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Sunday, November 11, 2007


One of the reasons for last week's gallivanting was to go to a Christmas fair at Olympia. A and I have been to the same fair for several years, it's a good way to get some Christmas shopping done fairly easily. Not this year. The fair was quite disappointing - many stalls we've seen before but with several old favourites missing and the majority of the new stalls were either selling cashmere or jewellery, which were already well represented. Not sure we'll go again next year.

However, I did manage to buy some things, all for Alice! The purchases included a lovely navy and cerise cardigan and matching hat (helps hair stay flat and as it's cotton it isn't itchy), some things for her room that I would have bought anyway but it was good to see them in reality before ordering them and Giggles! Giggles? Giggles is a rather large, flat, extremely soft panda - Alice adores him. She was very good throughout the day at the fair. After lunch I put Giggles and Alice on the floor, she did have a bit of a crawl around but spent most of her time lying on top of Giggles, head butting him and burying her face into his very soft fur. He also doubles up nicely as an alternative version of a travel rug, keeping Alice toasty-warm and very happy.

1 comment:

3cmum said...

How big and from where..he's priceless.