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Monday, November 12, 2007


Alice is such a lovely child to parent that it makes me worry about No2.

No2 is going to seem like an evil child, even if she isn't. Why? Because Alice is so good and so easy (at the moment) that any child falls short in comparison - setting No2 up for failure maybe years before she is born.

But No2 will happen. I want children, not just a child. I believe that Alice needs a sibling. But not yet, I want time to enjoy Alice and I'd like my children not to be too close in age - I want to enjoy them as individuals.

I hope that I don't live to regret these comments.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Hi Kate,
I've got three great kids (I would say that I'm their mum lol). They are all completely different from each other, but all fantastic in their own way. Each of them has been difficult in different ways at different times in their lives. Whatshername #2 will be fine :-)