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Sunday, November 04, 2007


We needed a quiet day after yesterday's adventures.

We had plans but they got postponed, so we had a quieter day than anticipated. Good day, time at home, for Alice playing with toys and tormenting dogs and for me getting domestic bits done (dishes and laundry!)

The local golf club (and the pub too, I think) had their firework display this evening. Alice slept through it. Unfortunately Daisy was outside when it started - she's stuck close by ever since, I don't understand how she can hear the fireworks when she can't hear me! I'm not sure if Boo was frightened by the display, but she took the opportunity to have a lovely cuddle. Fusspot was a little confused but actually sat on my lap and watched for a while! Me? Fireworks aren't my favourite as I don't like such loud noises and with dreadful nerves they always make me jump! Tonight's display was perfect for me, I could watch from inside (so I didn't get cold or stiff) and they were far enough away to see the lights first and then the bangs (so they didn't surprise me) - an excellent solution!

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