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Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Daisy was my Mum's dog, but she's mine now, I wasn't sure that at 9 years old she'd adapt to a change of owner, but she did. She's 13 and a half now.

She's sick . . . got a vet's appointment for tomorrow afternoon . . . she's sitting on the sofa, shaking, she didn't eat any supper . . . think you can guess how I'm feeling . . . dreading tomorrow.


Global Girl said...

Best of luck!

Janet said...

Big big hugs, will be thinking of you.

3cmum said...

hope all is okay and its not what your fear

Anonymous said...

HI Kate, I hope all is ok with daisy and she is just having an off day, my dog is 13 1/2 and i dread vets appointments as we always expect the worst. i will call when i get the chance (one evening when the children are in bed), the children and i are a little under the weather at the moment with colds and repetitive sickness bugs, oh the joys of parenthood!
goodluck today, fingers crossed that it's nothing serious.
best wishes, Emma

Shawnstribe said...

Hi Kate
sorry i havent been in touch....i hope all will be ok tomorrow, give me a ring, i'd love to know.
Just on another note, we have a jelly cat dog similar to panda and i love mine, Julls uses her little one as an eye mask when she travels; ) arent they great, i have to resist buying more.
Keep in touch