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Friday, December 14, 2007


I know that people are still reading and a very few leave comments (thanks B).

I'd love to hear from you, but if not how about leaving a virtual pressie? No expense but a kind gesture.


Janet said...

Here's some cyber hugs and choccies for Christmas :-) Don't forget to share with Alice :-)

3cmum said...

HI Kate
I check indaily. Life has been truly hectic getting ready to go. I keep meaning to call you..I may end up doing so from the USA. If I don't have a FAB XMAS, lots of big hugs to Alice. She is getting so big. And we must get the girls together in Jan somehow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate, Carmen from Canada, I just wanted you to know that I read your blog as often as you update it. We met you in Kunming (stayed at the Harbour Plaza) and adopted our daughter the same day as you. I love to see how big your little Alice is growing. I look at her and I see some similar features in our daughter, chubby cheeks, beautiful lips, big black eyes (must be the Kunming look) Alice seems to be adjusting very well. Our Shae-Lee has done amazingly well, it really shows from the wonderful care they must have received from the Orphanage and Foster Familes.

Take Care