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Tuesday, December 11, 2007


aka 'The Pink Place', the basic design is - if it's pink it'll fit! Patchwork pink, yellow and green curtains, pale yellow carpet, mostly white furniture (except for my old, comfy pine bed!) and only a few accessories. Accessories are either pandas or fairies. The Nursery 'style' is evolving and unique!

I struggled to find a material that I was happy with, I love the curtains. The 'A' cushion is a new addition from Jonny's Sister, I've also bought an Alice banner from the same (fab) seller, but haven't hung it yet. Also, still to go up on the wall, are the Chinese prints (2 large, 1 small and 1 embroidery) that I bough in Guangzhou and the parasols from Kunming (yellow and pink). The prints/embroidery have yet to go up as I'm waiting to get them back from the framer and the parasols are still sitting on the window sill as I can't work out how to hang them!

Grandad hung the shelves for us on Sunday - they're made in a house shape and we have a matching dolls' house (not yet used!). No doubt they will soon be filled with clutter, but for now they're just a useful support to the video monitor. The video screen only works in the hall (the living rooms are too far away, I should really have a webcam one, but I don't know how to sort that out). When swaddled Alice looks like a slug on the monitor, but it's good to be able to sneek a peek to check on her.

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