Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Various images of the day - they're pretty self explanatory!

What did we do? Swimming lesson this morning, we got in early and had lots of fun. Alice was the most relaxed yet for a lesson - the instructor took the opportunity to use her for several demonstrations, so that Alice wouldn't just associate her with being dunked for underwater swims. The underwater swims went better today as well. It's lovely that she's enjoying it more now. Great morning.

Alice was grouchy by lunchtime. I swaddled her for her nap - the swaddling works and she's usually asleep within 5 minutes! Not a long sleep today - she was disturbed by the phone, but she did sleep long enough to miss GF Nick's quick visit. It was good to see him and actually nice to have a conversation without little interruptions and big distractions!

Alice was in destructive mode today - she ripped a book and smashed a Christmas tree ornament - before the tree's even been bought!

Tonight, as usual I had grand plans for the evening after Alice was safely asleep, but I'm too tired to get anything done. Very soon I need to have written the Christmas cards, printed the Christmas letter, finished the Christmas shopping, started and finished wrapping presents, thought about planning the food and shopping for the end of the month, ordered the turkey . . . it goes on and on and on! Before all of that I need to get organised for visitors this weekend and Monday!

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

She is so cute. Congrats on the citizenship thing.
