I had to get up early - to make sure the rubbish was outside before the binmen arrived. I went back to bed and hoped that Alice hadn't been disturbed, she hadn't. She stirred at about 8:20, but only burbled and then went quiet so I left her and the next thing I knew it was nearly 10am! When I went into the nursery,
Alice was awake - lying quietly on her side. We went back to my bed for her mo
rning bottle (as usual) and stayed there until the postie rang the bell an hour later! I rushed to answer the door, Alice only had a clean nappy and her PJ top on (thanks K and family!) - so then we were downstairs in PJs, the indulgence continued and Alice played happily (half-dressed in b
ed things) until lunchtime (the heating was on!)
Photos (from the top):
- Being silly and having fun!
- Playing with her new shape sorter. Show her the right hole and she can post each shape, she can do the circular and starry one without help! It plays music when shapes are posted or when the drum roles. Alice loves it so much she kept picking it up and giving it a hug!
- Playing with the h@ppyl@nd animals from GFN's Christmas present - a farm!
- Drinking from her new tea set - ELC, very disappointing, too small - what you can't see from this angle is that she's drinking from the teapot!!
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