Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Alice has had 8 teeth for months. The next lot started rumbling just before Christmas - 8 have been moving all at the same time, poor baby. She's got very good at saying 'Aaahh,' to let me look at what's going on or to apply teething gel, but it's not always very wide open, so sometimes it's difficult to see.

On last inspection, a couple of days ago, 5 of the 8 had broken through, 1 completely. Since then the symptoms have risen again and another is definitely through.

Yesterday she was a little grumpy. Last night she went to bed without issue, but coughed through the evening. She continued to cough this morning and had a green and runny nose - so I cancelled our swimming date. On and off through today she's been grumpy again, picky with food (most unusual) and a very slightly elevated temperature - but no more cough! The teeth are definitely bothering her and she doesn't often complain.

Spirits were raised with the help of a few white chocolate drops - used in a bonding exercise - taken from Mummy's lips. My girl'll do almost anything for chocolate - not that she gets the chance that often.

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