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Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Great day, simple day.

A quiet day at home with a few friends around for coffee and chat, lovely.

Sleep's still an issue. Alice is still taking a long time to go to sleep, especially in the evening. She cries slightly when I leave the room, but only for moments. Despite yawning, eye rubbing etc she is taking several hours to fall asleep in the evenings - that's not the worst of it, she's tending to wake screaming when I go to bed, not so quick to settle then either. Not sure if it's an adoption issue or (I think more likely to be) a control issue.

Pickles became the most favoured cuddly today - Pickles and I got lots of cuddles and I got lots of kisses too.

The magnificent T and I took down all the Christmas decorations while Alice explored her cot at naptime. Usually the tree is down well before New Year, but Alice really enjoyed it this year, so I did too and so it stayed up longer!

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hi Kate:

I can't remember if Alice is still having 2 naps a day, but she's probably ready for just one a day now. Our "A" dropped her second nap around the same age as Alice. It seemed young, but other mums were experiencing the same pattern so I knew that it was normal when our "A"'s naptime needs were changing). She now naps once a day after lunch for 1-2 hours a day (sometimes longer). And she falls asleep at night now (7pm) within minutes (vast majority of nights).

I wonder if this could be a similar pattern for Alice?

One thing that I have learned in the past 18 months is that when our babies DO have a glitch in their sleep patterns, it is temporary and usually changes again within weeks or so. So, this current glitch with Alice's sleep shouldn't last too long.

(And do keep in mind the distractions of the holiday season. Even if you have quiet days, there has still been a lot around that is different and stimulating - moreso than usual. Maybe this is adding to the sleep disturbances.)

Hoping that this is the case for Alice and that she is back to a more reasonable routine soon (for both of you!).

Hope to see you soon!
Ellen x