Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


9 months, so many changes, so much happiness.

In March:
  • we passed 'Equals Day' - Alice has now been with me for more than half her life,
  • she learnt to climb stairs - she started with the soft foam steps at soft play, then she practised at GFW's and now she climbs up to bed every night,
  • her communication exploded - more signing and lots more words, lots more attempts at words too,
  • she was happy to slide - she'd tried it before but never enjoyed it,
  • she learnt to climb onto the ride on toys and rockers,
  • she learnt to use the word 'No!'
  • she's showing more opinion
  • she continues to adore books and animals, especially our dogs (she can now identify all 3 and name Daisy and Boo, she can't yet say 'Fusspot')


Virginia said...

Happy Anniversary! =)


Shawnstribe said...

Wow, its such a milestone Kate!!!!
Alice is as gorgeous as ever!!!