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Sunday, May 11, 2008


(I know that it's a bit late, we had a thunderstorm that evening and we've been busy!)

9th May - the key date in my adoption journey to Alice.

2004 - I was already waiting for a place on the adoption course and for my homestudy to begin - I'd approached SS in February that year.

2005 - my Panel date. A traumatic day. I was organised until a message to tell me to get to the venue ASAP as Panel had a problem remaining quorate at my appointment time. That Panel meeting is now infamous, it's known as 'The Crying Panel' - every set of applicants cried in front of the Panel and its external assessor!! I cried harder after being told I'd passed than when I was in front of the Panel, people kept stopping me to ask if I was OK!

2006 - waiting, papers in China, only 6 months before I'd expected referral at about this time.

2007 - the day I first saw a photo of my daughter, the day I first read all about her. A very early start - I was dressed and waiting to ring the Post Office by 6.30am (how my step-father would have loved that!) My first reactions to her photo were relief that she looked healthy then followed by the realisation that she didn't look like a 'Clara'!!

2008 - I felt a bit of a traitor but I had a last minute opportunity to have some Mummy (retail) therapy - so I went to Cardiff and abused my credit card until I couldn't carry any more bags (I missed the pushchair's bag carrying capacity).

The beginning of this month has been a time to reflect and marvel at the changes of the last 12 months. As I begin to contemplate our journey to Little Sis it's good to remember the highlights and huge success of my first adoption journey.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I remember talking to you on the phone.Gosh is it a year already.She was beautiful then and she is even more beautiful now.