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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I went back to work! For a pre-return-to-work-visit!

I spent the afternoon back at school. I was really nervous - mostly about leaving Alice but also a little about going back to work as there is a new headteacher.

Alice was almost fine - she developed a 'gunky' eye whilst I was away - I checked with the GP's surgery and we are seeing a doc tomorrow morning. In the meantime I'm bathing it with salty water - any other useful tips my bloggy readers??

School was great - the children instantly wanted to know where 'Baby Alice' was, but they were also pleased to see me. It was lovely to be back and I realised that I'd missed it. It was good to find out that it doesn't really change. I spent the afternoon smiling but also thought about Her Majesty very often!!

I'm LOOKING FORWARD to going back in on Friday (didn't think I'd be 'saying' that yet!) and I start properly after half-term - no details published yet as I'm not sure everyone who should knows the details at the moment.

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