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Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I've had several requests to post about issues on my blog, but this blog is about our family, Chinese adoption and things that relate to these things or interest me - so if the requests don't match these things then they don't make the blog. Sounds harsh until you consider the blog as a scrapbook relating to the things listed above.

Today I posted on a very well known Chinese adoption forum about Good Rock - a charity that supports Chinese orphans. My post was deleted as the forum doesn't support this charity - despite the fact that the forum and the charity are about aspects of the same subject but it does support other charities doing similar things - helping Chinese orphans. Harsh, I think. The same forum allows people to post about voting for their children in photo competitions and such?


Janet said...

I noticed that very same thing and was a bit peeved!!

Anne said...

I know that many forums do this, and I think its very wrong! I know they feel like they would be overwhelmed by such requests, but it also makes them seem very selfish! I'm not on any forums now...have been home 18 mo. with #3 and couldn't take their snapping and feuding any more!!

Take care....I voted for good rock btw and posted about them on my blog as well!

Have a great Holiday!!