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Saturday, August 23, 2008


Day 7, my tummy bug got worse again yesterday afternoon - for the first time I was up multiple times through the night and I've felt rough all day.

Alice wasn't 100% last Sunday, but she's been fine since until today - so many dirty nappies that she now cries as soon as she sees a nappy sack or a clean nappy. Despite the soothing creams her bottom is red raw and obviously sore, poor button.

To make things even worse we should have been having a social weekend - GFW and his family are home, it's M's 8th birthday party today and GFN was threatening to visit. Tomorrow we were due to go out and about with C - looking at playhouses and pebbles (for the new water feature). So now not only do I feel ill but I'm also sad to missing seeing our special friends. Surely a week's enough to get over a tummy bug, I hope tomorrow brings some relief.

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