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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


. . . Alice's still not well . . . not ill, but not well either . . . nappy rash is still there, better but still looks sore . . . her tummy's still bad too . . . she doesn't want to sleep in her cot . . . after 2 nights of Alice being in my bed I was cranky ALL DAY . . . I need a good night's sleep . . . tonight she cried it out while I felt guilty - running up and down stairs . . . something's gotta give

. . . and coming soon a post about blogging, comments and opinions . . . with a warning to all that I moderate comments before they are published . . . still cross . . . it wouldn't be good to challenge me right now . . .


Virginia said...

Sorry you both are still having a rough time.


Janet said...

Hi Kate,
It sounds tough at the moment, big hugs ((((((((())))))))). I hope Alice feels better soon and that you get some much needed sleep!
Lots of love

RamblingMother said...

glad you found the leak. Did you get some strange comments or something? Hope you have everything straight soon!