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Saturday, February 28, 2009

FEBRUARYS - 2009 AND 2008

2009 - most noticeably Alice's first experience of snow - she adored it! Also more teeth (probably!) Alice has truly discovered a love of stories - especially Owl Babies and Elmer, but really anything she can persuade anyone to read to her. Her language is continuing to explode - longer but less intelligible phrases and she's parroting anything she hears (YOU have been warned), her confidence and independence continue to grow (as does her stubbornness and determination!) (Pre) 'Tending' is a big part of her play, so is dressing up as a fairy or a princess and she'd go to soft play with D and A everyday if she could!

2008 - first shoes and first (and so far only) time leaving Alice overnight (not something that I'm keen to repeat, ever!) You can read the rest in the archives here!


Anonymous said...

she is growing up by the second!

Janet said...

Wow I hadn't realised she had changed that much until seeing the two photos together!
What a gorgeous girl you've got :-)
PS Dossier has arrived in Addis :-)

Maci Miller said...

Hi there Kate! Alice looks so beautiful in all these pics. Been awhile since I checked all the blogs. Just wanted to stop by and say hello!