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Wednesday, April 01, 2009


At 9:30 this morning, on the way into A'g, I remembered that 30 minutes later and 20 minutes drive away (which was already part of the contingency plan) we were supposed to be at T*ick T*ock wearing Easter Bonnets (the bit I'd forgotten). I dashed into a card shop and picked up a bargain pale pink bonnet and some ribbon for £1.98!

The bonnet was pathetic (as I knew it would be) compared to the creations of the more organised mothers. Just as we were leaving the presenter remembered that we were supposed to go and visit the OAPs who attend a Day Centre in the same building. We went along willingly. The OAPs were delighted to see the children (the oldest was not yet 3!) Alice enjoyed saying, 'Happy Easter Lady!' It reminded me of my Granny.

When we got home I spent over an hour forming bows and sewing bows and eggs onto the bonnet - too late for the parade but at least Alice would have an Easter Bonnet! Alice found it half complete after her nap and she was delighted with it and much happier to wear it more decorated (though it still needed more).

Can you tell where this is going yet?

This evening Pudding found and partly demolished Alice's nearly lovely bonnet. I'm not sure Alice is destined to wear a pale pink Easter Bonnet this year!

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