Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009


PT, day 7, at nursery - only 1 accident, I think that nursery were impressed and I definitely was, Alice too!


Cristina said...

You are SO lucky!! My Alice REFUSES to PT. Knows all about it, what to do etc but prefers the nappy. Guess it will happen one day.... xxx

Virginia said...

Wow! Alice is really getting the PT thing down now, isn't she !?

Gin =)

suzanne said...

Isabella has been PT since December! Now at 22 months accidents are very, very rare! And night times are also becoming dry! No nappies is bliss!

You soon get to know all the toilets in your local area!

Congratulations to Alice!

Ellen said...

Well done, Alice!

Now you can look forward to being in a rather nice restaurant (you know ... the type where not everyone is under 3 feet tall and screaming and crying, but a place where adults are actually having low-decibal conversations) ... and just as you're about to tuck into your fine meal ... Alice will say ... no, no, no ... Alice will YELL:


As if you were seated across the room.

It's all part of the initiation. Enjoy!

Ellen xxx ;o)