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Saturday, April 11, 2009


The wedding was on Tuesday and the reason for our visit to the Scillies. The bride's maternal grandfather's family were Scillonians (I think that that's the correct term), so that's why we all migrated (mostly from South Wales) to the IoS for the wedding. The bride also worked on St Mary's for several years.

We had a specially arranged boat to take us from Bryher to St Mary's (the largest island) for the wedding. We then went to a hotel overlooking the harbour to get into our wedding clothes (and to chomp on pastries and nibbles whilst slurping fizz) before a short walk to the Weslian Chapel - St Mary's Register Office in Hugh Town, for the wedding at 11am.

I'm sure that the ceremony was lovely, unfortunately I was rather distracted by Alice and (despite a tube of colourful choccies) her inappropriate, loud and poor behaviour - not helped by most people thinking she's older than she really is (because of her size). By the end of the service she'd even got to know the photographer intimately (I was too busy trying to remove her to manage a photo of that!) Luckily the bride works with pre-school children and so Alice's antics didn't surprise her, in fact the whole wedding party were very understanding, but that doesn't stop me feeling embarrassed by her behaviour, she is VERY 2 at the moment.

After that we went to a local bar (not sure if it was a hotel or not) where the bride had worked. Alice was much better behaved - distracted by a glass of water and a straw whilst sitting at the bar - somehow that makes me more nervous! Then it was back on the boat to get back to our hotel for the reception. We had a delicious buffet lunch and lovely wedding goody bags (they were too generous to call favours!) Alice went into meltdown shortly after pudding so we missed the cheese and speeches (and probably other things too) for Alice to go for a nap and then through a series of unfortunate events we also missed the later celebration on the other side of the island.

It was a lovely day and we were incredibly fortunate with the weather - it couldn't have been better for the main parts of the wedding but it did get stormy by mid afternoon.

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