Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, October 01, 2006


This is the youngest member of the family (for now!)

Meet Fusspot, a tricolour Cavalier bitch born in April 2006 who came home 8 weeks later. What a character - the day she came home it was as if she unpacked her bags and decided this was home!! Instant bonding!

I wasn't planning on having another dog this year - but suddenly it seemed appropriate to have a puppy and get it trained before small people come home. However because I wasn't planning another puppy I hadn't given names much consideration - she came home as Dizzy (but then I realised that phonetically this is easily confused with Daisy) so she became Fusspot, I'm not overly keen on the name but it stuck before I could come up with a better one! (Don't worry, I've been planning daughters' names for several years!) Unfortunately her name holds true at mealtimes, she is a very fussy eater and unusually for a Cavalier she doesn't have a great appetite.

She has got an very long tail and is a happy little puppy. She's incredibly affectionate and even demands a cuddle first thing every morning (she can't function without it!)

She's still very much a puppy and loves her dog toys. She has some atrocious habits - the worst being bringing things in from the garden, these then become treasured objects - not too bad in the case of an old section of garden hose or thick twig, not so pleasant when it's a rotting toad though! Oh, and she loves crunching snails, ugh!

She's great with the other dogs - her body language is appropriate and submissive, but I can tell she wants to be just like them (follows after them and copies what they do!) She plays great chasing games with Boo and is giving Boo a second chance at puppyhood.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Your dogs are all adorable! My plan if I hadn't met my husband was to adopt from China on my own as well! I met my husband 5 years ago and have two lovely stepson's and can not wait for Lilly or James! I must say I am definitely planning for a girl but after a year of waiting it really doesn't matter.Our LID was 10/28/05 I sure hope we are getting close! Check out my doggie babies @