I went on an exploration for baby equipment - pushchairs in particular! I really wanted a pushchair that the seat will face me (important for bonding but will depend on whatshername's personality and experiences) and size when collapsed - I know I have a huge car but I didn't want the buggy to take up the entire boot!!
On my shortlist were:

Verdict - far too bulky and the seat has to come off to collapse the frame, no.

Verdict - again the seat has to come off to collapse the frame, very little shopping storage (shock, horror!), no.
Also both of these have fixed seats that recline - which means whatshername couldn't lie flat for a snooze.

Verdict - there are several different frame options and handling varies, the seat back reclines independently of the leg angle (so she can lie flatter than in the Buzz or Cameleon), seat will face either way (but I can't find a picture on the web of it the other way around!), I think that the seat had to come off to collapse this one too. The saleswoman wasn't keen on this one so we didn't really get to try it - so it's probably a no but needs more investigation!
But what was recommended that I hadn't seen before was the Bebecar Rversus:
This one's similar to the Loola - but the Loola's structure isn't so easy to use. Basically the Rversus does the same job, but better.
We've ended up with three! We have a Quinny Zapp for running around town (with a handy shopping basket atached that you can get on Ebay), a Bebecar something or other for country lanes with the dogs, and now a 'My Child' little red umbrella stroller that cost about a tenner that we're taking to China with us next week (NEXT WEEK!!!). Typically, the red stroller is currently my favourite. I know someone with the reversible Bebecar and she loves it.
Ah, looks like you may have done my research for me! Will have to look in to the last one. All I've done so far is notice how massive some of these pushchairs are and wonder how I would ever push it down any of the pavements around here without everybody having to jump into the road...
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