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Wednesday, December 13, 2006


It's a bit early, but I've put up 2 Christmas trees today. They're both artifical ones.

The first one is a tiny one that's covered with white lights, it's in the Hall and I use it like a light during the festive season. I've been experimenting with my new camera - so expect lots of photos in the next few days.

The first photo shows a wide shot of the tree, the second photo gives a better impression of the effect of the tree when the Hall is dark. I love this tree, it's simple and beautiful, no decorations just white lights.

The second artificial tree also has white lights, but it's a fibreoptic tree so it seems twinkly. The photo is intentionally dark so that you can see the lights at the tips of the branches. This tree is in the kitchen, between the french window and the back door. This will be decorated with small ornaments, but not yet - my Christmas cards need to be written first!

I will have a 'real' tree as well. This year the real one has been a saga - I bought it 12 days ago and it's only just been delivered - long story but in-short I will buy my tree somewhere else next year!

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