Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


I can't believe I can even type it!!

I'm not making much info public. She's only 6 and a half months old and from Yunnan in South West China.

I'm thrilled - I'll now have to wait until next week for a photo and more details.


3cmum said...

Can't tell you how thrilled for you I am. To get her so young is wonderful for you, in particular as a first time parent. You'll be there for the first step, first word etc.
Talk soon

Julie and Steve said...

This is SO exciting - and I understand your reasons for keeping the details personal. Just know we are all VERY thrilled for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your daughter!!! Our daughter is also from Yunnan. We will be leaving in 6 days to pick her up.

Congratulations again,

LaLa said...

Congrats!!! Can't wait to see the pictures.

J said...

A hearty congrats to you!

Rosie said...

Brilliant..I bet shes gorgeous! So thrilled for you!!

Amy said...

Congratulations!! Our daughter was just days over 6 months old at referral... we were shocked! She was the youngest in our group and we were the only couple who had 2 blessings already. It is a true blessing! Hope you travel soon... it's an incredible journey!

Anonymous said...

I am soooooooo happy for you! I have been following you since about 6 months ago. Arround the time your daughter was born! Congratulations with the motherhood!!!!