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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


In 18 days I will finally meet Whatshername and within 24 hours of that she MUST have a name.

18 days. 2 and a half weeks.

18 days ago was the first day of half term, I met with school friends in Bath, we had a lovely supper with a long gossip and then we went to see 'Acorn Antiques'. It was a good evening, it seems like yesterday, let's hope the 18 days to come go just as well and just as quickly! Then I'll want time to slow down so I can savour every bit of Whatshername's childhood.


Rosie said...

Gosh only 18 days!

LaLa said...

So happy for you!!! Can't wait to see her in your arms..oh, and the name will come to you once you hold her.