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Monday, December 03, 2007


Alice's always made the 'kissy' face and she's always received kisses around her face, hands, feet, etc.

At the beginning of November she started making a 'kissy' sound - it looks odd as her top lip is flat!

The kissy face and sound aren't related.

In the past 2 weeks or so she's allowed (occasionally) a 'connecting' kiss (on the lips), more in the last few days and especially when we're swimming. Tonight it was 'Kissy Fest' at bedtime - facing each other in the rocking chair, she actually lent in several times for a proper kiss. I made a big thing of these kisses - just to make sure that she understands how special they are, that created giggles, smiles and more kisses, wonderful!

As for cuddles . . . she's been initiating them more and more in the last 2 months or so, especially at bedtime but increasingly whenever she's picked up and when we're out and about (in shopping trolleys, coming out of the buggy and car seat etc). Wonderful!

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