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Monday, December 10, 2007


In my family we end up with nicknames, they're usually acquired over time rather than instantly.

  • My Granny was Boop, after Betty Boop, but I don't remember why.
  • Grandad was KD - his initials.
  • Mum was 'Squidge' as the end of her nose was soft and squidgey, mine is too!
  • Her brother was 'Bonse' as he lost his hair quite young, but he was always known as 'Dick' - most people assumed his name was Richard, they were wrong!
  • My family had several nicknames for me, some I'm prepared to admit to, but not all. 4P, Mum called me Lou-Lou, Lou-La-Bell or Katie - those are extra special to me.

Alice? Alice doesn't have a proper nickname, yet. But I call her Alice in special ways. As often as I call her Alice, I also call her 'My Alice' or 'Alice-Ming'

1 comment:

RamblingMother said...

I have lots of nicknames for Glenys. I call her goose as in silly goose mostly though. It hasn't stuck for anyone else to call her though.
