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Friday, February 22, 2008


It's taken me a while to think of some answers, I'm posting here but will update the original post too.

7 weird facts about me:
  1. I always dress in the same order - starting with my left foot. But when I dress Alice I start on my left and always dress her in the same order too. (I know that it would be daft to put on underwear after clothes, but it's always (for her!) nappy, socks, vest etc).
  2. I have a degree in shopping, really, an Honours degree in 'Retail Management'!
  3. I'm a stress-bucket, I worry about everything - even things that I said or did from years ago.
  4. I love my car and I'm a car snob, my wheels matter to me - even Alice's pushchair!
  5. I'm single, terminally single and not even prepared to work out how long it's been since I had even a date.
  6. I went to a great cookery school, I loved the time there, I love cooking but tend to burn my food - just to make sure that it's 'properly' cooked!
  7. I must be really boring because I can't think of anything else that's weird - it's normal to me!!
I tag:
Well most of my bloggy friends are in the UK, most have either already been tagged or don't do that sort of thing (you know who you are!), so please consider yourself tagged if you'd like to be!


Ellen said...

Okay! I've caved in! I have joined the blogger's world of 'tagging'! See our blog for evidence!

Never let it be said that I don't play nicely!

Ellen xxx

Helen said...

Hi there,
You said you did Retail Management - you didnt happen to do it at Loughborough did you?
Helen xx