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Saturday, April 26, 2008


(Apologies for what is probably atrocious pinyin / Mandarin spelling)

'Wo ai ni, Alice Ming, wo ai ni!' is the last thing I say to Alice as I leave her to go to sleep in the evening.

This evening, as I left her, I heard the dogs prancing and tailing wagging from beyond the baby-gate - I'm sure they think that 'Wo ai ni!' means it's suppertime - as I feed them as soon as I get downstairs!!


Shawnstribe said...

aww Kate, Alice is so precious and you and her are a perfect combination, i got all teary eyed with the i love you....till i read the bit about the dog and that just cracked me up : )
oh the secret.....give me a ring...; )

Eileen said...

Dogs, gotta love em!!!