Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, May 02, 2008


Obsessed . . . by balls . . . loves 'em . . . in this photo she was about to try to pick them both up at once - we were visiting some good friends who live close by. She proved to be pretty good at dribbling them too, but we're still working on kicking ( I hope I don't live to regret that statement!)

The following day we were in a large supermarket and they had a Winnie the Pooh football sized ball - I had to buy it. Alice was very pleased and proceeded to proclaim 'Aball' many times every minute - whilst holding it or reaching for it in the trolley. She's had it 6 days and she still loves it - will find it as soon as asked about it and carries it round for large parts of the day - if it had occurred to her I think she'd expect to sleep with it too!!

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