Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Yesterday was a great day!

I'd been trying for several weeks to get into the jeweller - to replace my short gold chain that I hadn't seen for well over 12 months, I'd looked EVERYWHERE. Before we left I decided to change handbags . . . and found the chain!! The clasp was broken (I remembered) so we went to the jeweller anyway, fixed within 30 seconds, fab and no cost! Several other things went well . . . I felt like I was on a roll.

Today . . . the pendulum swung the other way. Our music group is finishing at the end of term, the trolley I had at the supermarket wouldn't go straight, the scanner holder kept slipping . . . the scanner wouldn't work properly.

Tomorrow . . . I go back to work - let's hope that the good luck returns and stays a little longer this time!

Alice - fine yesterday but scratched her face (red slash right across her cheek), today she got filthy and found it hard to sleep, tomorrow she gets to stay at home while M comes to look after her until T arrives (M is T's Mum and M is my neighbour - I'm very lucky to know them both). I'm very happy with the childcare arrangements - Alice hardly notices that I've left!


Anonymous said...

Hope it all went well today! Thinking of you both.

Ellen said...

A huge milestone ... it must have been a day of very mixed feelings for you. I hope that you got through the day without worrying too much about Alice. (Oh! Who am I kidding??? I'd have been a nervous worrywort!!!)

See you next weekend!
Love, Ellen xxx