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Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This evening I had a lovely conversation with a fellow AP. I think we have a fair amount in common and hope that we might meet up in the near future. She's adopted from another country. She was extremely kind, informative and helpful about their process to adopt.

I've also received the CD Rom that I'd ordered about Special Needs - I have yet to use it and consider the needs that I maybe open to - although I already have a few ideas about what Alice and I can cope with.

My knowledge the adoption process in other countries is growing, my opinions are forming, I think I've reached a decision about Little Sis and I'm getting fired up and excited about her adoption journey. I'm also excited about being excited - it matters to me that Little Sis will know how much she was thought of, planned for and anticipated before her arrival - just as Alice was.


Shawnstribe said...

oh Kate!!!!!
im sooooo excited for you!!!!!!
you gonna be a mommy again!!!!!
hugs and more excitedjumps....
yeah i know it will be a while, but we might as well enjoy the journey hey????

Shawnstribe said...

ps Alice looks so beautiful : )

Janet said...

How exciting :-) Glad to hear that plans for No.2 are coming along nicely :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate
Glad to hear you so excited and planning! And of course little sis will know how much she was looked forward to!
Been thinking about you and whatever family issues you are dealing with. Big hugs. Carrie

Eileen said...

I'm very excited for you!

Jeff and Amy said...

How excited for you and little Alice, I am sure she will be a wonderful big sister.

Snickerdoodle said...

Hi there, I'm a single mama to two and I'm here to tell you that it can be done!! My first peanut came home in 2001 at 16 weeks of age. My second peanut came home from China last summer at 13 months.

Congratulations on your big decision!!!

I believe that we were in the October LID room a long long time ago!

dd Sunshine 7 (Viet Nam)
dd Brilliance 2 (China)