Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Alice is now feeding herself nearly all the time - sometimes she even uses utensils!!

She surprised me by climbing into the highchair this lunchtime (photo is actually from suppertime). She holds on like she is in the photo, pulls up her feet onto the foot ledge and then uses the straps for the final pull up!

The weather was nice enough by lunchtime for me to start cleaning out the water table (it goes green after a while - I tend to keep it filled as the water warms in the sun!) She had great fun splashing but wasn't as focused as usual.

Later she bounced so hard that she bounced the bobble out of her hair!!

After supper we had a quick visit from our neighbour, with her gelding - Alice has met him before but this time she got closer and stroked him several times. She loved this visit but unfortunately there are no photos as my hands were full of Alice!!

Unfortunately she also accidentally broke my visual monitor this afternoon - as she's quite quiet it's difficult to tell when she's properly asleep without seeing her. It's on my priority list to get fixed this week.

Overall another lovely day.

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