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Sunday, July 27, 2008



Ellen said...

Oh! Isn't Alice just scrummy!!! I love the way young children get SO into the things that drive us nuts! Like adding more water to really intensify the 'squishing' effect in their boots!

These little souls are such good reminders for us to 'chill out' more as parents! Of course, I need to heed my own advice here as I prepare to wash the THREE outfits that my 'A' got scruffy today ... because she can't help it, really. She is a magnet with the lawn in the back garden! And walking away drenched from the water table is just part and parcel of a nearly 3-year old's CV!

We're SO looking forward to seeing you in September!

Ellen xxx

Shawnstribe said...

oh its sooo hot and lovely and your photos are great.
Alice has changed again, and looks beautiful

Rosie said...

AHHH So cute!! All gone!!! I remember the boys saying those expressions...enjoy the moments..they grow far too quick and start saying "cool Dude"(well my eldest does in his deep voice and it wasn't that long ago that he was in his walker throwing food at our old dog!)It goes far too fast!!

Tara and Dale said...

just discovered your blog and am LOVING it! alice is such a sweetheart, and I had no idea that she and our daughter ( are just a few days apart. they were neighbors in kunming for a time in their life, and they both seem to share a zest for life. can't wait to go through all your archives. :)

thanks for sharing the love with the rest of the blogosphere. peace, tara in thailand