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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The vet came out this afternoon and put Daisy to sleep.

She had very bad arthritis in her lower spine - recently her walking had become tricky, her balance was wobbly at best and her back end was always slunk down. She'd been on the maximum medication for a couple of years but recently she'd withdrawn and started to sleep a lot, she'd stopped sleeping on the sofa (too hard to get up there) but if you'd seen her in the time just before supper you'd never have known there was anything wrong. She'd also become unreliable about house training - she was an intelligent dog and this seemed so unfair.

I'd talked my decision through with T and C - who both knew my Daisy well, they could both understand why and neither raised a question about it - a sign to me that the timing was right.

The vet was coming out this afternoon - originally to review her prescription, but I'd rung the surgery this morning and warned them of my decision. The vet and head nurse arrived and we talked things through, we agreed that it was the kindest thing to do. So hard - even harder because she was Mum's dog. But it wouldn't be right to have kept her going and it wouldn't be right if days like today weren't hard.

I told Alice the simplest facts of what was going to happen at lunchtime. After her nap she said Goodbye to Daisy and then I took her next door to M's. When we came home she didn't look for her but she did say 'Daisy' at bedtime so I reminded her that she's gone now.

So now I'm sitting at my desk with cold feet - there's no Labrador to keep them warm any more. I'm blogging about this to let everyone know what's happened, I'm a bit of a wreck when Alice isn't about and I'm not ready to talk about it yet.


Ellen said...

Just sitting here holding you in my heart. No words, really.

and sending you so much love,
Ellen xxx

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this Kate.
WL xx

Janet said...

Oh Kate,
I'm so sorry.
Big big hugs
Lots of love

Virginia said...

I'm so sorry. I know how it hurts. My heart goes out to you.


RamblingMother said...

I am so sorry!! Such a hard decision.