I've been wanting to buy Alice a play kitchen, I've done loads of research and chosen a kitchen then done a load more research and come to a different decision - I've been in this loop for a while.
Today the discount code came through for Alice's birthday for a UK toy retailer, it prompted more research and consultation with T (who has quite a different perspective on things like this prompts me to consider things in different ways).
This is similar to the kitchen that I've finally ordered from an auction website - so I didn't use the birthday discount for this after all! In the end I was swamped by options and so price was a deciding factor - using the auction site meant I've saved nearly 50% from the original version of this kitchen. It's also been chosen as it will stand flat against a wall - initially probably in the playroom but I hope that one day it'll make it into a playhouse (when we get one!)
I hope that Alice will love it - she's certainly really started to role-play with small world toys and tea-sets - Mummy better start doing more baking and simple cookery so Alice knows what to do when she finally gets it!! I'm not sure yet whether it'll be a birthday or Christmas present but I do know (from the online reviews) that T and I (no I won't even be trying on my own) need several hours to put it together!
Oh Kate, im so sorry about Daisy!!!!
Hugs and more hugs!!!!!
will ring tomorrownight asi think you may well be asleep now, if you are not just ring me on the mobile and i'll pick up!
would love achat
Super kitchen! Isn't it absolutely amazing how hard these decisions can be!?!?!? :)
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